CQPweb is a web application developed by Lancaster University, specifically by teams led by Professor Andrew Hardie. This platform is used for searching and analyzing large text corpora. The main purpose of CQPweb is to enable researchers, linguists, and students to easily search and analyze linguistic data. The platform supports complex queries using the Corpus Query Processor (CQP) language. Through CQPweb, users can search for specific words, phrases, and patterns in texts. It also allows for advanced statistical analyses and data visualizations. CQPweb supports multiple languages, making it useful for the global research community. Using the platform requires basic knowledge of the CQP language, but it also has a user interface that facilitates work for beginners. Registration is required to access most corpora, but there are also open corpora available without login. Users can access various types of corpora, including newspaper articles, literary works, spoken language, and academic texts. CQPweb also allows the import of custom corpora for personalized analyses. Analyses can include word frequency, collocations, concordances, and distributions in different parts of the corpus. The platform is useful for writing scientific papers, doctoral dissertations, and other research projects. It is regularly improved and updated to meet user needs and maintain compatibility with new technologies. In short, CQPweb is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to explore linguistic data and patterns in detail.

CQPweb System Administrator’s Manual: CQPwebAdminManual.pdf (sourceforge.io)